Coming soon...
2003 - 2007
Samantha Cornwell-Crabtree
603 Henry St.
Brooklyn, NY 11231
Instagram: @samantha__cc
Phone: (646) 704-4699 E-mail:
Brown University, Providence, RI
B.A. degree in Art-Semiotics in December 2007; Areas of focus: Film and Video
Performance and curatorial work
Grace Exhibition Space- I did an expanded version of “Fragmentina’s Motherland”
Panoply Performance Laboratory- I directed and performed in an ensemble piece called “The Full Rotation,” which dealt with late capitalist anxiety in New York City. The work was part of the Civic Reflex performance series
Movement Research at the Judson Memorial Church- I performed as part of the Undoing and Doing collective
Oak Bluffs African American Literature and Culture Festival- I performed “A Prayer for Past and Future Ancestors” in collaboration
with Erica Chamblee
TheUntitledSpace-Iperformedmyoriginalwork“Fragmentina’sMotherland”Powrplnt - I performed an original work called “Through Her”
The Living Gallery Outpost- My video “No Worries” was screened at a group showTwin Stranger- I did a multi-media performance called “Shadow Persona”Witness-Ididaperformancecalled“OrangePiece”
Superchief Gallery- Iperformed my piece “The Unknown Hand” at an Interactive Film Festival organized by Maya Edmond
The Current Sessions- I performed my piece “Sanctuary” during this three day festival
The Great BE: Abundance - I curated a show that featured 6 performers and video artists from the African Diaspora, including my own performance “The Unknown Hand”
SickDin“SpaceSickness”videoreleaseevent-Iperformedinamulti-mediamovementpiecewithGabriellaGarciaatSecretProject Robot
Daytime Viewing- Idid a solo performance of a piece choreographed Shana Moulton as part of a program Curated by ESP TV at
Pioneer Works
La Boucle- An original movement and sound performance called “What makes you think you're free?”
Bitch Nipple- An untitled original sound and movement performance at The Glove
Otion Front Studio Standing Rock Benefit- Performed a song by Buffy Sainte-Marie with original choreography
The Great BE zine release party- Curated a zine featuring work by African Diaspora artists, and organized a release event featuring live music performances
The Great BE 1- Curated a performance and video art event featuring African Diaspora artists and showed an original video called “Once the Bullshit Burns”
A Ghost Story 2, A Love Story- Performed in an original piece by Monica Mirabile
Authority Figure- Performed in an immersive performance art piece at the Knockdown Center directed by Monica Mirabile and Sarah
A Ghost Story- Performed in an original piece by Monica Mirabile at Signal GalleryBasic- Performed in an original piece by Monica Mirabile at Pioneer Works
Work Experience
September 2017-Present ProjectArt.
July 2015
March 2014- Present August 2010-Present
Fall 2013
Teaching artist in Residence, Red Hook Library
Beam Camp
DocumentationFounder, director and producer of the award winning film “Break the Branch”
The Other Side Theater Company
Documentation of projects in New York and Northern India. On going project funded with successfulIndieGoGocampaign.
MLF Productions
Assistant Editor of Newport Folk Festival Film Archive
Instructor of video production courses in Mythology and Nature
Sunflower Films
Spring-Fall 2013 The Studio Museum of HarlemVideographer
April 2013 Intrepid Fox, LLC
April 2012-Present Oct 2010- Nov 2012 October 2009- Present
Staff writer and feature contributor
Altered Zones Magazine
Features contributor and staff writer
Visitation Rites Magazine
West Coast Editor/ Video Editor